Friday night Trivia to keep the WFH blues at bay
It’s nearly two months into the Sydney lockdown and we’re staring down the barrel of at least another month before our 50-strong contact centre team can return to the office, so we’re all ready to chase the working-from-home blues away. What better way to do that than Friday night trivia!
Digicall Assist’s Friday night trivia this month was our first foray into running a virtual trivia night for our entire team. With everyone locked down at home, we wanted to do it in style.
First stop – Stock up on goodies. What’s a trivia night without a good beverage and snacks? To help get the party started, all Digicall Assist team members had a package of treats delivered to their door. There was an alcoholic and non-alcoholic version to choose from, depending on people’s preferences.

Second stop – Get playing.
Nothing like a bit of friendly competition! We all connected on a Teams call to see each other and chat, and simultaneously used Crowdpurr to run the trivia game. There were no teams in this trivia night – it was every man and woman for themselves (though some partners snuck in too and gave a helping hand).
Naturally we had to include some car-related questions (we do run a roadside assistance business!), but questions also covered movies, the Olympics, and general knowledge. Much hilarity ensured from the 30 multi-choice questions.
It was a fiercely contested game but ultimately there could only be one winner. Who took out the honours? That went to Tim Cantello from our Provider Network Management Team, with an impressive final score of 1408.

Third stop – Let’s party! (Well, at least have a chat)
With the trivia comp over, and credit given where it was due, it was time to simply stay online chatting. The socialising went on past midnight (though rumour has it that a certain Chief Executive was well in bed by that point). It was a great opportunity to catch up with each other ‘face to face’ and have all those conversations we’d normally have in the break-out room in the office, or over lunch breaks.
The verdict? Everyone on the call really enjoyed it. Trivia Master (CEO Michael Curtin) is happy to hand that honour over to someone else next time. A virtual cooking class is also on the agenda for another time.